Roman Catholic Pope, currently the Roman Pontiff, believes that Jesus Christ’s Life and Death were a total failure.

NEWS BRIEF: “Pope Francis “Jesus’ Life and Death Was a Failure”,” by David Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries, May, 1999.

“… the Pope went a step further when he discussed the “failure” of Jesus’ life and the “failure of the cross.”

Pope Francis’ first stop in New York was at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, where, at an evening prayer, he touched on the spirit of gratitude and hard work before making the shocking statement.

The Pop’s remarks:

The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” (Emphasis added, the Dispatch).”

Now, more information about the Mass and the Cross:

“The Mass continues the Sacrifice of the Cross. Each time Mass is offered, the Sacrifice of Christ is repeated…In the Mass Christ continues to offer Himself to the Father as He did on the Cross.” Thus, the Mass daily sacrifices Jesus Christ over and over again. And, the Father is well pleased with this daily Mass as He “continues to accept His Son’s gift…” The Mass is the same sacrifice as the sacrifice of the cross, because “in the Mass the victim is the same…Jesus Christ”


No one can even be saved while depending on the Mass!

Listen to Scripture, Roman Catholic Bible: “…Jesus [also] became the guarantee of an [even] better covenant…He has no need, as did the high priests, to offer sacrifice day after day, first for His own sins and then for those of the people; He did that once for all when He offered Himself”. (Hebrews 7:22, 27; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

“But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that have come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands [Heaven] …He entered once for all into the sanctuary…with His own blood…For this reason, He is mediator of a new covenant.” (Hebrews 9:11-15; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

“For Christ did not enter into a sanctuary made by hands…but heaven itself, that He might now appear before God on our behalf. Not that He might offer Himself repeatedly…But now, once for all, He has appeared at the end of the ages to take away sin by His sacrifice.” (Hebrews 9:24-26; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

“Every priest stands daily at his ministry, offering frequently those same sacrifices that can never take away sins. But this One [Christ] offered one sacrifice for sins, and took His seat forever at the right hand of God…For by one offering He has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.” (Hebrews 10:11-14; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

“For Christ also suffered for sins once…that He might lead you to God”. (1 Peter 3:18; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

“For it is impossible in the case of those who have once been enlightened … and then have fallen away, to bring them to repentance again, since they are recrucifying the Son of God for themselves and holding Him up to contempt”. (Hebrews 6:6; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

Notice, in this last Scripture, St. Paul’s statement that repentance is impossible for anyone who is continually re-crucifying Jesus Christ again and again! Jesus Christ died once and for all [eternally]. He is not to be re-crucified again and again for any reason. As long as He is being so re-crucified, it is impossible to come to repentance. Therefore, any person who continually practices the Mass cannot be saved as long as they continue!!

Finally, note again that we are quoting a Roman Catholic Bible.!! Note again that the Scriptures quoted above, are from a Roman Catholic Bible. Number how many times these Scriptures use the phrase, “once for all”. The Bible absolutely forbids Jesus’ sacrifice to be repeated or reenacted!!

Is is any wonder why the Bible warns that anyone crucifying Jesus again cannot be saved!

Hebrews 6:6 also clearly forbids anyone from “holding Him up to contempt”. The Crucifix, so prominently displayed, certainly holds Jesus up to public contempt.

Certainly, no form of execution devised in the annals of human history can compare to the Imperial Roman cross for both physical cruelty and emotional pain. Dying on a cross subjected the human body to the greatest physical pain possible, simply because it assaulted every part of the body.

But, the emotional anguish was nearly as great as the physical.

The victim was stripped naked [the artist’s depiction of Jesus wearing a loin cloth is incorrect]. The condemned was routinely beaten, sometimes so severely that sometimes his internal organs were hanging out. His face usually was not recognizable because of the beating. Roman soldiers and onlookers usually taunted the dying victim, adding to the torment.

Our Beloved Jesus Christ was subjected to all these things, and more. He was subjected to being hung naked on the Cross in front of all the women who had loved Him so much in life. He was subjected to the taunts of His mortal enemies, the Pharisees, who had plotted to kill Him for so long. Jesus was subjected to the humiliation of the sign above His head, proclaiming this innocent man, as the “King of the Jews”.

Finally, Jesus had been forced to wear His “kingly” crown, the Crown of Thorns. The shame and agony was so great that even the sun hid its face and Father God turned His back so He would not have to watch the spectacle. Jesus Christ was not only painfully executed on the Cross, He was thoroughly shamed as well. His shame was a significant part of His payment for our sin. The writer to the Hebrews, 12:2, thus stated, “…For the sake of the joy that lay before Him, He endured the cross, despising its shame...” In this Scripture, the Holy Spirit, speaking through the writer to the Hebrews, has revealed that the Godhead considered the cross to be shameful.

It is no wonder that this shameful spectacle was to be done only “once for all”, never to be repeated again. And, it is no wonder that the Holy Spirit, speaking through the writer to the Hebrews, warned that no person can be brought to repentance and salvation as long as they are continually holding Jesus Christ up to public shame.

But, the Roman Catholic Church holds Jesus up to public shame daily in the Mass.


But, there is another fundamental theological reason we are not to continually “celebrate” Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. In Genesis 3, God gives the account of the seduction of Eve by Satan speaking through the Serpent.

Satan first persuades Eve that God did not really mean what He said, when He told Adam and Eve not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge in the middle of the Garden (Genesis 3:1). Then, Satan told Eve she would not die if she ate the fruit (verse 4), and told her that she would become like a god if she did eat it (verse 5). Finally, Eve persuaded Adam to eat this fruit (verse 6-7).

When Eve told God that the serpent had persuaded her to eat this fruit, God pronounced a curse upon the serpent (verse 14), followed by the first Messianic Prophecy in the Bible. God foretold of the coming of Messiah and His battle with Satan [represented in this Garden of Eden account as the serpent]. God said, speaking to the serpent [Satan],

“Because you have done this [deceived Eve] … I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you will strike at his heel.” [Genesis 3:14-15; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986].

We prefer the King James Version, simply because it offers the more correct rendition of “bruise” rather than the word “strike” above. But, the meaning is the same. When a human being receives a strike or a bruise on the heel, the resulting wound will be painful, but not deadly; however, when a snake receives a bruise in his head, he is dead.

In this instance, God is foretelling of a battle between Jesus Christ [offspring of the woman], and between Satan [offspring of the Serpent]. In this battle, Satan will be allowed to achieve a temporary victory over Jesus Christ [the bruise to His heel]. However, Jesus will recover from this wound and will strike a deadly blow to Satan.

Now, ask yourself, when did Satan achieve his temporary victory over Jesus Christ?

Satan achieved his prophetic temporary victory over Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary!! Jesus’ death on the cross was the “bruise of the heel”. This Scripture is also one of the greatest proofs that God’s Word is to be taken literally. When a victim of crucifixion was nailed to the cross, the nail driven through his feet entered at the top of the instep and exited through his heal. Thus, the act of crucifixion caused massive bruising of the heel of the victim. Jesus’ heal was most definitely bruised, thus literally fulfilling this Genesis prophecy.

When Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave just three days later, He delivered the bruise to the Serpent’s head. When Jesus Christ returns for the second time, Satan will be totally defeated and banished to Hell. But, this final defeat will only be the inevitable outcome resulting from the bruise suffered at Jesus’ glorious Resurrection. This is the reason the Apostle Paul stated that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was more important than the Cross (1 Corinthians 15:12-28). This is a shocking statement, since the Cross provided the Perfect Sacrifice that was acceptable to the Father for the sins of the world. Yet, the Resurrection is more important! This Biblical fact is the reason the Protestants show the Cross empty!

Therefore, the Sacrament of the Mass celebrates Satan’s temporary victory over Jesus Christ at the Cross. Why would a church which calls itself the only true Church of Jesus Christ celebrate the temporary victory which Jesus’ eternal enemy, Satan, enjoyed over our glorious Savior?

We have repeatedly shown that the Roman Catholic Church is the False Church of the Book of Revelation [Chapter 13]. Our hearts cry out in anguish as we think of the one billion adherents who are faithfully marching to Hell. These poor people are sincerely lost and are very devout in their false belief. If you are one of these people, we beg you to allow the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual discernment, that you may see the Truth before it is too late for you. If you feel the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart right now, please click to our Salvation Page, so you may receive Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior and become Born Again as the Bible so teaches. You will know for sure that you will be going to Heaven, and you will experience the true joy of knowing your sins are forgiven and forgotten by God Himself.

” And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

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