The entire message of the One Dollar Seal — Lucifer’s All Seeing Eye hovering over the unfinished pyramid — is that America is the chosen nation to lead the world into the “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” (New World Order), the Kingdom of the Masonic Christ.

Ron Paul notices that America today is fulfilling that “Ancient Plan”!

NEWS BRIEF: “Ron Paul: Why Are US Special Forces in 81 Countries? “, Ron Paul Institute, April 27, 2015

US special operations forces are operating in 81 countries according to the Wall Street Journal. Their budget has increased five-fold since 2001 and their personnel have doubled. They operate in secret, most often without Congressional oversight or even knowledge. Is it dangerous for the president to have what is de facto a personal army like this?”

Of course, America is leading the world into this new global system, the New World Order. Therefore, this effort requires America to have special forces in far-flung nations all around the globe! If you examine the areas in which these special forces are operating, they are largely working in the “Non-Integrating Gap” region, pictured below.

Image result for "Non-Integrating Gap" region

NEWS BRIEF: “The Pentagon’s New Map”, by Thomas P. M. Barnett, U.S. Naval War College, Esquire Magazine, March 2003, p. 174-79, 227-9.

“Our next war in the Gulf will mark a historic tipping point — the moment when Washington takes real ownership of strategic security in the age of globalization.” [P. 174]

Can you imagine the arrogance of this statement? Washington, D.C., plans to “take real ownership of strategic security” when it invades or threatens to invade, individual countries! Using 9/11 as the excuse, President Bush wielded America as the Super Power battering ram to knock down those nations who are really standing in the way of fully implementing the New World Order. Barnett identifies other, non-technical reasons why certain countries are still lagging terribly behind the rest of the world in integrating into the New World Order. These reasons are simple but profound and so deeply entrenched that an invasion or a threat of an invasion (a war of rumors of war) is necessary to change the regime so that compliant, responsive leaders may be implanted within these countries. What are these non-technical factors?

1. Repressive Dictatorship run by one man

2. Repressive Religions that hold on to “Tradition” with all means, thereby resisting the new paradigm

3. Abject poverty is mentioned as a reason a country is not “connected” to the Global System, but poverty is usually the result of a repressive dictatorship that either siphons huge resources out of the economy or is so repressive he won’t allow the individual freedoms necessary to produce wealth in the economy.

Thus, America is “taking real ownership” of the “strategic security” of these types of countries. We took control of the “strategic security” of Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco Libya, and Syria. In each nation — except for Syria for the moment — American forces took control of those countries, either directly or indirectly, so that all obstacles could be removed that are inhibiting these nations from joining the global cashless economy.

For this reason, America has special forces troops in 81 countries around the world.

by David Bay

Image result for One Dollar Seal -- Lucifer's All Seeing Eye

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